DIY gift tags

DIY gift tags

DIY Christmas gift cards

I just love getting crafty. It is such a great way to relax, forget about adulting and just being. 

When you have a toddler, they love to create. Piles of artwork fill our house and it is hard to part ways with it all. I decided to create some sweet little gift tags for Christmas. I love craft and I love Christmas so this was a fun little project to work on and was super easy. 

DIY gift tags from paintings.

What you'll need: Scissors, string, needle (or you could just use a hole punch), artwork.

You can cut any shape or size you want for the tags. I decided to do squares and rectangles and then cut out heart tags to attach too. 

Step 1: Cut out your shapes

Step 2: Thread the string onto your needle (or use a hole punch and then thread the string that way) and attach the two pieces together

Step 3: Tie the string in place

This is such an easy way to make beautiful gift tags which will save you $$ and also recycles some lovingly made artwork. This one piece of artwork made 24 tags!

DIY gift tags


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